$120 per show (of about 20 - 30 minutes)
This not only includes payment for Kathryn's services on the day, but also for the time
she'll put into preparing for your event beforehand. It also includes payment to the crew
member she'll bring along to help set up and do the show and pack away when finished.
Travel will also be charged if the location of your show is outside Hamilton city.
The total you're charged can either be paid as cash to Kathryn before she leaves your event
or she can give you a deposit slip so you can pay her online over the next day or two.
Kathryn also has class sets of puppets that can be hired for a few weeks. Three of these are:
"Clowns" "Doozies" and all the characters from "Room on the Broom" by Julia Donaldson.
Just ask her and she happily tell you what the other sets are.
Sets hire for $50 each. A $100 deposit is also payable. This (deposit) will be fully
refunded if the set/s are returned in the same condition in which they were picked up.